Page 36 - NEW_SUMMARY_Trece_IPCR
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Republic of the Philippines
                                          CvSU VISION                                                                                                                                   CvSU MISSION

                                                                                                                CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY                                         Cavite  State  University  shall  provide  excellent,
                                           The  premier  university  in                                                                                                    equitable  and  relevant  educational  opportunities  in  the
                                   historic  Cavite  recognized  for                                           Trece Martires/Tanza/Gen.Trias                              arts,  science  and  technology  through  quality  instruction
                                   excellence  in  the  development  of                                                                           and relevant research and development activities.
                                   morally   upright   and   globally                                                                                                           It  shall  produce  professional,  skilled  and  morally
                                   competitive individuals.                                                                                                                upright individuals for global competitiveness.
                                                                                           INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW FORM (IPCR)

                                        I, Rose Ann R. Tobias, of the Cavite State University -T3 Campus  Department of Management  commits to deliver and agree  to be rated on the  attainment
                               of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period January-June 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                           ROSE ANN R. TOBIAS
                                                                                                                                                                                 Date:              June 15, 2020
                               Reviewed by:                                                                     Date           Approved by:                                                                 Date

                                                     CRISTZA D.O MANLAPIG, MBA                              June 15, 2020                                 NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSC                           June 15, 2020
                                                         Immediate Supervisor                                                                              Head of Office

                                                                        Success Indicator                                                                                   Rating
                                         Output                                                                      Actual Accomplishments                    1          2           3        4          Remarks
                                                                       (Target + Measures)                                                                    Q          E           T        A
                               Strategic Priority No:
                               Output 1                                       85%
                               Output 2                                       10%
                               Output 3                                       5%
                               Core Functions:
                               Instruction  (85%)         1. (Teaching Units per Week) 15 hours / week               Taught 18 units per week                 5           5          5       5.00
                                                          2. Enhancement of the curriculum
                                                               a. submit course syllabus in 50% of         submitted course syllabus in 100% of the subjects  5           4          5       4.67
                                                                    the subjects.
                                                                b. submit 1 module/manual/workbook                     submitted 1 module                     3           3          4       3.33
                                                                c. 50% of all Exams with TOS                        100% of all Exams with TOS                5           5          4       4.67
                                                                d. prepare at least 3 Teaching Aids                   prepared 3 teaching aids                4           4          4       4.00
                                                          3. Attend Trainings and  Seminars ( 11-20 hours)       attend trainings and seminar (30hrs)         4           4          4       4.00
                                                          4. Enrol 3 units in CHED recognized              enrolled for completion of Thesis writing (6 Units)  5         5          5       5.00           65.17
                               Research (10%)             1. at least a co-study leader in an approved                        none                            0           0          0       0.00           0.00
                                                              research proposal
                               Extension (5%)             1. at least 10-14 hours of active  involvement   30 hours of active involvement in extension activity  4        4          4       4.00           4.00
                                                               in extension activity
                               Strategic Functions:
                               Trece Martires City Campus
                               Property Custodian         1. Inventory of office supplies and equipment            listed available office supplies           5           5          5       5.00
                                                                                                                  monitored list of borrowed items
                                                          2. receiving and releasing of borrowed items         listed new tools used for BSHM subjects        5           4          5       4.67
                                                          3. Others                                      purchased new light bulbs used in selected classrooms  5         5          4       4.67           95.56
                               Final Average Rating         87.64     4.38
                               Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes

                                                           Discussed With                                 Date                        Assessed by:                      Date            Final Rating by         Date
                                                                                                                  I certify that I discussed my assessment of
                                                                                                                  the performance with the employee

                                                         ROSE ANN R. TOBIAS                           June 15, 2020           CRISTZA D.O MANLAPIG, MBA             June 15, 2020    NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSC     June 15, 2020
                                                              Employee                                                                Supervisor                                        Head of Office
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