Page 17 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 17
What is a Reference Book?
A reference book:
a. Is an instructional material used to supplement the textbook;
b. Provides and summarizes a great deal of pertinent information;
c. Provides an outline that the teacher can use in planning courses, units and
d. Provides the teacher with ideas regarding the organization of information and
activities, and
e. Includes pictures, graphs, maps, and other illustrative materials which
facilities understanding.
Contents of a Reference book
1. Preliminaries
a. Title Page – title and author(s)
b. Preface – quick view of the purpose, nature, and scope of the reference
c. About the author – author’s name, qualifications, and/or experiences
d. Acknowledgement/Dedication (optional) – assistance from and/or special
contributions of various individuals, organizations, and
e. Table of Contents – list of chapter titles and sub-titles and corresponding
page numbers.
2. List of Figures/Tables – list of tables, illustrations, charts, graphs, and maps
3. Body Chapters – short introduction of the chapter, objectives, detailed
discussion of the chapter, chapter summary, review questions, and references
of the chapter.
4. Appendix – useful information related to the content of the book
5. Glossary – words or terms whose exact definitions are necessary to understand
the contents of the book.
6. Index – list of the important terms of the book and corresponding page
Rating System – (Adapted from PASUC KNOWLEDGE – BASED PROJECT:
Textbook Evaluation Rating System
Reference Book Title: _________________________________________________
Author(s): ________________________________________________________
1. Below are the criteria for evaluation or reference books. Rate each item
according to the following scales:
5 – Excellent (4.20 – 5.00)
4 – Very Good (3.40 – 4.19)
3- Good (2.60 – 3.39)
2 – Fair (1.80 – 2.59)
1 – Poor (1.0 – 1.79)