Page 15 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 15

2.6.  The  activity/assignment  directions  are  clear
                             and easy to understand.
                        2.7.  The  vocabulary    is  written  in  a  manner  that
                             allows  non-technical  persons  to  understand
                             what is being be said
                        2.8.  Content covers the competencies required
                        2.9.  Content  is  within  the  comprehension  and
                             experience level of the target group.
                        2.10. Content is sufficient within the time allotted.
                        2.11. Unit/topic titles and subheadings are concrete.
                        2.12. Unit/topic   titles   and   subheadings   are
                        2.13. Unit/topic   titles   and   subheadings   are
                        2.14. Writing style is appealing to students.
                        2.15. Instructions  to  the  student  are  worked
                             following  the  qualities  like  clarity,  brevity,
                             simplicity and specificity.
                        2.16. Activities are interesting and suitable for a wide
                             range of student abilities.
                        2.17. Activities are thought-provoking.
                        2.18. Activities are challenging.
                        2.19. Questions in the pre-set and post –test cover
                             all  the  topics  learning  objectives  under
                        2.20. Questions  in  the  pre-test  and  post-test  are
                             consistent with the learning objectives.
                        2.21. Answers to pre-set and post-test and how they
                             are scored are included at the end of each unit.
                        2.22. The module is developed in a local manner.
                        2.23. The  module  is  developed  in  an  organized
                        2.24. The   module     is   developed     in   an
                             understandable manner
                        2.25. The module is organized in accordance with
                             the  principles  of  unity,  coherence  and
                        2.26. The organization and the selection of topics or
                             unit fit the sequence  of the course syllabus.
                        2.27. Organization id flexible, permitting variation in
                             the sequence.
                        2.28. Reading level of the module fits the year level
                             of the student.
                        2.29. The vocabulary level is suitable.
                        2.30. New  concepts  are  explicitly  linked  to  the
                             student’s prior knowledge or experience.
                        2.31. The module introduces abstract concepts by
                             accompanying       them     with     practical
                        2.32. The module avoids irrelevant details.
                                                            Partial Score
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20