Page 11 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 11


                       1.  The  faculty  writer  submits  proposal  and  course  outline  to  the  Textbook  Board

                       2.  The  Textbook  Board  Chairman  receives  the  proposal  and  schedules  a  board
                          meeting to deliberate on it.  The Board comments and makes suggestions on the

                       3.  If the proposal passes its criteria, the Textbook Board recommends it to the Vice
                          President For Academic Affairs for approval.  The recommendation includes the
                          approximate length of time the book is to be written.

                       4.  If there are comments and suggestions or if rejected, the textbook Board returns
                          the proposal to the proponent, informing him of the reasons for the Board decision.

                       5.  The faculty writer signs as agreement, drafts the book, and submits the required
                          output every end of the semester.

                       6.  The textbook Board decides on who shall review the output submitted and submits
                          the same for review and editing.

                       7.  The  textbook  Board  edits  the  material  after  the  comments,  suggestions,  and
                          corrections are acted upon by the author.

                       8.  The Textbook Board submits the edited material to the Vice President for Academic
                          Affairs.  The Textbook Board may recommend the publication of the book by the
                          University or contact publishers who may be interested in the material.

                         Figure 1. Process flow for book writing proposal and course outline
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