Page 9 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 9
14. The faculty writer signs an agreement indicating his/her commitment to submit
the required output every end of the semester as well as the approximate length
of time the book is to be written.
15. In book writing contracts covering a period of more than one semester and in
case the faculty writer fails to submit the required outputs at the end of the first
semester of the book writing contract, he/she will be given regular load in the
succeeding semester. He/she shall be granted the reduced workload privilege
for the remaining semester as stipulated in the book writing contract only upon
submission of the required output for the first semester of book writing. A
supplementary contract shall be executed for this purpose.
16. The writer/s shall receive royalty pay equivalent to 15 percent of the gross price
of every copy of the book published and sold by the University.
17. The writer/s shall give the University 15 percent of the royalty due him/her/them
if a book written under the University reduced workload privilege for book
writing is published by a commercial publisher. Such shall be covered by a
separate memorandum of agreement among the writer/s, the University, and
the commercial publisher. It shall be the duty of the writer/s to inform the
commercial publisher of the University policies on book writing.