Page 4 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 4
The Chairman of the Board shall designate one of the members as Board
Secretary who shall take the minutes of the meetings, publish the same and prepare
announcements for regular and special meetings and perform other secretarial
functions that the Board may require. One special function of the Board Secretary is
to establish linkages with book publishers and with other state colleges and universities
and particularly with the Philippine Association of State Colleges and Universities
(PASUC) regarding book publishing.
The Board shall be provided initially with at least one clerical staff and a
computer lay-out specialist.
A.2.3. Preparation of Materials
All members of the faculty and staff of the University shall be encouraged to
prepare materials for publication. These shall include textbooks, laboratory manuals,
modules and the like, and electronic aided instruction media output. The Board may
commission an individual or group to write the history of the school, and biographies
of important school personages. The Board may also commission philosophical
treatise and the writing of an extensive research that may be used as references for
classroom purposes.
The Board shall also encourage the preparation of non-print instructional
materials such as scale models, preserved specimens and shall promulgate guidelines
for the recognition and in incentives to quality non-print instructional materials.
All writers should be careful about what they write. They should be thoroughly
familiar with intellectual property rights particularly those on plagiarism and laws on
libel. The Board shall not consider for review and publication compiled lecture notes
if this does not exhibit originality and / or not compiled with proper citations length /
volume of the materials or any other benefits that the Board of Regents and other
government agencies may allow. The pro – rated award shall be as follows:
1) Textbook, single author – up to 4 months
Contributor – up to 3 months
2) Laboratory manual/module, single author – up to 4 months
Contributor – up to 2 months
The Board may recommend to the University Administrative Council other
alternative incentives or remuneration to the members of the Board subject to approval
by the Board of Regents.
A.2.4. Review, Testing, and Editing
The member of the Board to review the manuscript of a writer shall be well
qualified and whose field of interest and specialization is the subject of the manuscript.
In certain cases, the Board member concerned may recommend an external reviewer
who shall be paid appropriate honorarium. The Board may commission a technical
review team for manuscripts containing highly technical procedures, higher level
statistical tests and those that require computer software testing.
In all cases, any publishable material from any college shall be endorsed to the
Board by the department chairman and the college dean.