Page 3 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
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b.  Screen and review reference materials required by faculty members particularly
                          those that are to be purchased by students such as manuals, textbooks, modules,
                          and recommend final adoption or rejection of such instructional materials:

                       c.  Establish linkage with the University Printing Office and outside publishers and
                          printers for possible publication of instructional materials, and

                       d.  Perform other related functions as may be assigned by higher authorities.

                              The terms “University  Textbook and Publications Board and the “University
                       Textbook Board” for purposes of this set of guidelines may be used interchangeably
                       and herein referred to as the “Board”.  While the main  concern of the Board is the print
                       media prepared  by the University faculty and staff, it shall also include in its major
                       responsibility  the  screening  of  electronically  aided  instructional  materials  such  as
                       computer  multimedia  outputs,  process  software    and  the  like,  that  could  easily  be
                       printed or reproduced  and distributed to the members of the academic  community.

                       A.2.2.  Board Organization and Management

                              The University Textbook Board shall be under the Office of the Vice President
                       for Academic Affairs.  Membership to the Board shall be upon the recommendation of
                       the  Vice  President  for  Academic  Affairs,  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  University
                       President. As stated in the University Code, the Board shall be composed of members
                       representing the major disciplines in the University.

                              The six major disciplines or groups of discipline to be represented in this Board
                       shall include: a) Engineering and Information Technology; b) Agricultural Food and
                       Natural Sciences; c) Physical Sciences; d) Education including Physical Education ; e)
                       Social Sciences including Economics, Political Science, Languages and Humanities;
                       and  f)  Medicines    including    Veterinary  Medicine  and  Nursing.    A    Development
                       Specialist shall be designated as a non-voting member of the Board.

                              Each member of the Board shall assume office for a term of four (4) years and
                       renewable only once, at the discretion of the University President.

                              The  Board  shall  implement  the  provisions  of  these  guidelines  and  may
                       promulgate  new  or  additional  policies  that  the  members  deem  applicable  and
                       necessary.  Two-thirds vote among the members in a regular meeting is required for a
                       new or additional policy to be endorsed to the Academic Council or the Administrative
                       Council depending on the nature of the policy.  The University President endorses the
                       amendments to the University Board of Regents.

                              The Board shall conduct at least two regular meetings in a quarter and conduct
                       special  meetings  as  the  need  arises,  and  upon  recommendation  of  at  least  two
                       members of the Board.  However, the Board Chairman shall have the special power to
                       call a meeting anytime he deems necessary.

                              The chairman of the Board shall preside over all regular and special meetings.

                              In case the chairmanship becomes vacant, the members shall select a new
                       Chairman  who  shall  serve  office  for  the  remainder  of  the  term  of  the  previous
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