Page 6 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
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Reference materials such s adopted textbooks and laboratory manuals would
have to be screened by the Board. The Board Chairman may designate appropriate
Board member to screen the materials that are within their areas of expertise.
No locally and foreign prepared textbook, laboratory manual or any other
instructional material or other print materials prepared by non-CvSU faculty member
shall be adopted for classroom use by any member of the faculty in the University
without the approval for adoption by the Board. Along with this, the list of reference
materials to be purchased by the University should have the recommendation of the
Chairman of the Textbook Board.
A.2.7. Sale of Published Instructional Materials
Compilation of hand-outs of instructional materials that are prepared with the
use of the university facilities using university funds should not be sold to students but
shall be distributed free of charge. In case of voluminous hand-outs or lecture notes
compilations, the teacher may provide the University Printing Office or private
photocopy shops with the original copies of these hand-outs. Students may have
photocopies of these materials at their own expense and at their own risk.
No teacher shall be allowed to personally and independently
produce/print/photocopy any instructional material and sell these to students.
No teacher shall compel any student n to purchase a required textbook, nor
require a student to submit a copy of the same book or any other book as a requirement
of the course.
Required laboratory manuals written by members of the University faculty
should be purchased only from the Marketing Center and not from any other source.
The Board may determine the cost of instructional materials published in the
University Printing Office. Costing arrangements should be made with outside
publishers of university instructional materials. In all cases, the lowest affordable price
to students should be determined and shall prevail.
All materials published through the University Printing Office shall be sold
through the Marketing Center and should be marked with CvSU Office of Business
Affairs. Any university published material in the University Printing Office without this
mark shall be considered acquired surreptitiously and clandestinely and could not be
counted for purposes of determining royalty. Outside publishers may be allowed to
follow their own procedure for the sale of University materials that they publish.
As an incentive to the members of the Board, an equivalent amount of two
percent of the honoraria for the Board Chairman and the member of the Board
concerned who reviewed royalty due to the author(s) should be set aside as income of
the Board to be allocated as and finally the manuscript endorsed the manuscript for
A.2.8. Sale of Published Instructional Materials
The Board Secretary shall endeavor to promote the use of university published
materials with other higher education institutions. Promotions of this could be direct
link or through the University Website. The Board Secretary shall also coordinate the
activities of the University Textbook Board with the Philippine Association of
Universities and College (PASUC) Textbook Writing Project.