Page 2 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
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                                     CvSU TEXTBOOK AND PUBLICATION BOARD*

                       HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

                       18 September 2002 –     Section 6, Rule VI of the University Code provides for the
                       creation of the University Textbook and Publications Board.

                       “  The  University  shall  create  a  textbook  Board  composed  of  six  (6)  senior  faculty
                       members representing major disciplines with the academic rank of at least Associate
                       Professor to be designated by the University President.  The student body shall be
                       represented in this Board by the current editor of the University Gazette.  The members
                       of the Board shall select a Chairman of the Textbook Board who shall preside over
                       meetings of the Board and an Executive Secretary who shall run the day to day affairs
                       of the Board.  The members of the Board shall serve office for two years subject to
                       reappointment for a second term. No member of the Board shall serve office for three
                       consecutive terms.”

                       07 October 2002 – Approved by the Administrative Council per Resolution No. 38, s.

                       25 November 2002 – Approved by the Board of Regents per Resolution No.47, s.
                       27  November  2002  –  Revised  by  the  Textbook  Board  headed  by  Dr.  Bunan,
                       incorporating all the suggestions / corrections of the BOR.

                       06 January 2003 – The administrative Council approved to change the membership
                       to the textbook Board to be composed of qualified members in their respective field of
                       specialization” regardless of academic rank.

                       14 October 2010 – Per OM No. 68, s. 2010, The University President designated the
                       following  as members of the New Textbook and Publications Board: Dr. Lutgarda P.
                       Ilagan, Dr. Constancia G. Cueno, Dr. Leyma L. Cero, Dr. Roderick M. Rupido, Prof.
                       Lenila A. de Vera, and Prof. Fe N. Dimero.

                       28 October 2010 – Dr. Lorna L. Penales met the new designees at the HRM Office
                       where Dr. Ilagan was nominated Chairman of the Board and Prof. Fe Dimero was
                       designated Executive Secretary.

                       *The present Textbook Board gratefully acknowledges the following from whom the
                       original set of policies emanated: Dr. Sotero L. Lasap Jr., former Vice President for
                       Academic Affairs, the  Chairman ad Members of the first Textbook Board: Dr. Andrew
                       T. Bunan, Dr. Alice T. Valerio, Dr. Leyma Cero, Dr. Nora A. Mojica, Dr. Lilibeth Novicio,
                       Prof. Antonio Cinto, and Dr. Yolanda A. Ilagan

                       A.  Function of the Board

                              Likewise  approved  by  the  BOR  are  the  functions  of  the  Textbook  and
                       Publications Board which are as follows:

                       a.  Prepare and implement policies, regulations and guidelines, subject to the approval
                          of the Board of Regents, on the preparation, testing, publication, adoption and sale
                          of  textbooks,  laboratory  manuals,  modules,  and  other  instructional  materials
                          prepared by the members of the academic community.
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