Page 7 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
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The marketing aspect of the university produced instructional materials shall be
                       left to the responsibility of the Office of Business Affairs.

                       A.2.9.  Budget Estimate and Physical Requirements

                              The modest budget required for the initial operation of the Board shall consist
                       of the following:

                              One table top latest model computer complete with latest         Php

                              Software including those required for lay – outing purposes.
                               a.  Colored printer attest model                             25,000.00
                               b.  Computer Stand                                            7,000.00
                               c.  Computer UPS and AVR                                     15,000.00
                               d.  One set of executive desk and chair                      15,000.00
                               e.  Office Supplies                                          54,090.00
                                                                 TOTAL                Php 179,590.00

                                               BOOK WRITING POLICIES

                       1.  A faculty member who wants to write a book shall submit a proposal using the
                          Textbook  Writing  Form.    The  proposed  book  shall  be  within  his/her  line  of
                          specialization.  The course outline of the subject, the book shall be used as text
                          book or reference material for, shall be submitted together with the proposal.

                       2.  If the faculty member’s proposal is approved, book writing shall become part of
                          his/her normal workload for the semester / semesters needed to finish such books
                          approved  by  the  University  Administration  on  the  strength  of  the  Board’s

                       3.  Book writing shall be equivalent to 12 teaching hours (if normal teaching load is 18
                          hours/semester) to provide the writer sample time to draft, check and rewrite every
                          chapter of his/her book.  Hence, the faculty member shall only be given 6 teaching
                          hours for the semester/s he/she is writing  the book.  He/She shall  not be given
                          lateral assignments throughout the length of time awarded to him/her to write the
                          book.  For team writing efforts, the reduction in teaching  load of each member
                          shall  depend  upon  the  volume  of  his/her  contribution  in  the  book.    If  a  team
                          member’s proposed output for the semester satisfies the minimum required for
                          individual  writers,  then  he/she  shall  be  granted  the  full  12-hour  book  writing

                                 For laboratory manuals, those for newly offered subjects, as certified by the
                          dean of the college, shall be given work credit equivalent of 3 teaching hours.
                          Manuals for old subjects shall be equivalent to 2 teaching hours.  In any case, the
                          manual should be submitted within or at the end of semester during which writing
                          privilege was awarded.

                                 For learning materials that can be written in less than one semester, the
                          faculty writer shall be given work credit  equivalent to the estimated number of
                          pages, as follows:
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12