Page 5 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
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The Editor-in-chief may create an appropriate student task force to assist him
in the review.
It should be emphasized that the task for review shall only be on the content
appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and readability.
The Board Chairman, if he is qualified, may perform the editing of the
manuscript or he may commission a qualified reviewer and editor.
The Board shall establish readability level for textbooks, laboratory manuals,
and modules. For this purpose, the Board shall sponsor a seminar – workshop for
determining readability scores of manuscripts.
A.2.5. Publication
No instructional material in the University may be submitted for publication
unless endorsed by at least two-thirds of the members of the Board.
The University Printing Office shall be given priority for the printing of university
instructional materials. However, in order to perform this vital task, the expertise of the
staff should be upgraded and newer models of higher capacity printers should be
acquired. Initially, publishers outside the university may be contacted to publish
university instructional materials.
Different publishers have different arrangements and incentives to authors.
The Board therefore, shall give preference to publishers that can offer the most
advantageous arrangement for the authors (s).
Publishers establish their own rule of thumb for royalty to authors. If the
material is used only on a limited or just university – wide scale, publishers might
establish very low royalty or even charge the University for the materials.
In the long term, the University Printing Office is still the best option to facilitate
publication of University instructional materials.
In the long term, the University Printing Office is still the best option to facilitate
publication of University instructional materials.
University faculty and staff who have established themselves as authors may
directly contact their own publishers. However, materials to be published as
instructional materials in the University would have to pass through the Board for
review and monitoring purposes.
All materials published by University faculty and staff should be registered with
the National Library in order to protect the author(s) from intellectual piracy. The
publishers may do this themselves or the material could be registered through the
University designated liaison officer with the National Library.
A.2.6. Screening of Instructional Materials
Instructional materials that have been endorsed to the Board by the Department
Chairman and the College Deans concerned for publication are deemed to have been
screened for use by students and other end-users.