Page 14 - Proof of Functional Review Committee
P. 14

5 – Excellent         (4.20 – 5.00)
                                   4 – Very Good         (3.40 – 4.19)
                                   3 – Good              (2.60 – 3.30)
                                   2 – Fair              (1.80 – 2.59)
                                   1 – Poor              (1.0   – 1.79)

                       2.  Determine first the partial score for each category

                       3.  Get  the  total  of  the  partial  scores  to  arrive  at  an  overall  score  for  each

                       Title of Module:     __________________________________________________
                       Author:              __________________________________________________

                        CRITERION                                                      RATING
                        1.Learning Objectives                                1      2     3      4     5
                        1.1.  Objectives  are  focused  on  describing  where
                             the  student  who  has  completed  this  unit  or
                             module is expected to end up.
                        1.2.  Objectives are directly observed so that what
                             you are actually looking at to assess student
                             performance is articulated
                        1.3.  Objectives specify performance (what should
                             student  expect  to  do?),  conditions  (in  which
                             context  should  student  be  able  to  do  this?),
                             and criteria  (how  will  the  acceptability  of  the
                             student performance be judged?).
                        1.4.  Objectives provide the student with a picture of
                             how the learnings he/she is doing in the course
                             contributes to his/her progress in the college or
                             in his/her profession.
                        1.5.  Objectives provide the student with a tool for
                             understanding  the  organization  of  learning
                             activities in the course and how they contribute
                             to the course or unit outcomes.
                        1.6.  Objectives  include  cognitive,  affective  and
                             psychomotor domains.
                                                            Partial Score

                        2.  Contents and Mechanics                           1      2     3     4      5
                        2.1.  Content  meets  the  stated  objectives  of  the
                        2.2.  Learning  activities  provide  strong  and
                             worthwhile learning experiences that added to
                             understanding of the topic
                        2.3.  The  suggested  readings  (if  any)  support,
                             complement  or  enhance  the  student’s
                             understanding of the topic.
                        2.4.  The  follow–up  exercises/assignments  are
                             appropriate to the topic and are useful in the
                        2.5.  All information are current and up-to-date.
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