P. 10

Modules high frequency drive system

Part number    MCCS Code         Description                                                      Weight

Pentruder high frequency motors  High frequency motor, 15 kW - 400V	                                   29 lbs
                                 High frequency motor, 18 kW - 400V	                                   36 lbs
07154001DIG 	  HFR415	           High frequency motor, 22 kW - 400V	                                   39 lbs
07184001DIG	   HFR418	
07224001DIG	   HFR422	

               HFR415                                     HFR422

Pentpak high frequency power pack, cables and remote control units for all Pentruder HF machines

09274001DIG	   PP427	            High frequency power pack, 380 - 500V, 50 - 60 HZ	               57 lbs
64900201	      HV400-9-30	       High voltage cable, 400V, 9m	                                    14 lbs
64900101	      LV24-9-30	        Low voltage cable, 24V, 9m with water hose	                      12 lbs
64190401	      CRC-HF	           Cable remote control 	                                           6.6 lbs
WRC-HF	        WRC-HF	           Wireless remote control	                                         3.4 lbs

 PP427                           HV400-9-30   LV24-9-30                     CRC-HF                         WRC-HF
 Powerpack                       400 V Cable  24 V Cable              Cable remote control        Wireless Remote Control

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