P. 8
The Pentruder high frequency drive system
HF motors with reliable power and high efficiency
• Operate a full range of Pentruder high frequency, • Helical precision ground gears transfer power
or HF, equipment simply by connecting the same reliably and with minimal losses and heat build up.
Pentpak, remote control, motor, and cables to a wall
saw, a wire saw or a core drill • Reliable 400 Hz technology. Highly reliable motor
and long bearing life.
• Superior materials. The motor is built of highest
quality components, such as a hand built copper • A double cooling system for the HF motor gives
rotor, to ensure maximum performance. sustained reliable power and high efficiency.
Quick release coupling for
HF-motor on saw head, wire
saw or drill unit
Robust and
Very efficient cooling system Slip clutch protects the HF-motor if a
blade is jammed
Overview of HF motors, power pack and Pentruder machines
8-20HF CBK 6-10HF 3P8 CW630/CW630 Flush
Pentruder HF motors O OR -
15 kW R OOO -
18 kW R -
22 kW R-R R
Pentpak 427
8 * The HF motor is fixed on the CW630 chain saw
R = Recommended, O = OK, - = not possible