P. 12

The Pentruder high frequency wall saws offer

  Pentruder system features that perform for you every day

     High precision cuts

         Large diameter axial arm bearing
         Maximum rigidity for cut precision and reduced blade wear
         Optimal vertical roller configuration
         Provides alignment of forces for stability and cut precision
         Conical self cleaning low wear rollers
         Best support and control of the saw head
         Vertical orientation aluminum track
         Maximum stiffness and lightweight

Easy setup

Easy to use track system saves time and trouble when
setting up the machine
Swivelling track feet only needs to be set up once
in each corner when cutting a rectangular opening

Quick release for  Quick disconnect                   Scan the
HF motor           blade flange coupling              QR-code for
Installation or                                       short operator
removal in a few   Radial mounting of                 manuals
seconds            the saw blade

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