P. 92

Automatic/Manual                        You can select from three different modes:
mode                                    • Automatic mode (default)
                                        • Manual mode
                  007611_001            • Manual mode with grade
                                        You can choose to disable the automatic self-levelling mode.
                  Automatic/Manual      Note: The Rugby always turns on in automatic mode regard-
                  Mode Settings         less of the previous selection.

                                        Automatic Mode
                                        The Rugby always turns on in automatic mode and continu-
                                        ously self-levels to maintain grade accuracy.

                  007612_001            Manual Mode
                                        In manual mode the self-levelling function is turned off. The
                  Manual Mode screen    Manual Mode screen is displayed instead of the normal main
                                        The plane of laser light can be manually sloped using the same
                                        buttons as for direct grade entry, but no value for the grade
                                        is shown in the display.

                                        Manual Mode with Grade
                                        In manual mode with grade the self-levelling function is turned
                                        off. The Manual Mode with Grade screen is displayed instead
                                        of the normal main screen.

                  007615_001            007616_001

                  Manual Mode with      Manual Mode with Grade
                  Grade - X-axis        - Y-axis

                                        The plane of laser light can be manually sloped using the same
                                        buttons as for direct grade entry. The value of the entered
                                        grade is displayed in the Manual Grade Entry screens.
                                        When using this mode, the Rugby first levels to the selected
                                        grade, then returns to manual mode.

                  007613_001            007614_001

                  Manual Grade Entry -  Manual Grade Entry -
                  X-Axis                Y-Axis

Rugby 870/880, Rugby 870/880 Menu                             32
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97