P. 9

Operators Manual - High Frequency driven Pentruder 3P8 Wire Saw

Why does the 3P8 use so many rollers in the wire magazine?

There are four loops of wire being tensioned, three in the magazine, and one on the return or
slack side, this means that if the upper carriage moves 1.0 m, 3,3 ft, you have stored eight
meters in the magazine. Objects 2.2 x 10 m, 7,2 x 33 ft., has been cut without shortening the
wire, and then the carriage was moved over 2.5 meters, 8.2 ft up, taking in over 20 meters, 65
ft. of wire!

All 3 + 3 rollers in the magazine are used, always. The feed regulation parameters are based
on the resistance and force needed to tension the wire when it runs over all rollers.

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