Page 31 - TEESIN E-CATALOG 200219EN VER2
P. 31


  Research has shown             HYBRID COLUMN are
  that surplus power is          used. The outer shell of
  one of the solutions to        the column is made of
  ensuring the durabil-          thin extruded steel tube
  ity of the motor. This         while the inner core
  ensures the motor will         is constructed of high
  operate efficiently on         quality aluminum  add-
  all site and domestic          ing strength and rigidity.
  power  supplies. Du-           The benefits are weight
  rability of equipment          reduction  and increase
  is increased with the          wear resistance. The
  reduction of its weight        steel outer shell decreas-
  (Advanced  molding             es the oscillation caused
  technology, drilling of        by vibration from the
  holes in gear wheels,          core bit. The    strong
  hollow  spindle  shaft).       aluminium profile pro-
  It is a drill specifically     vides  reinforcement
  designed to remove a           ensuring  rigidity and
  cylinder of material,          accuracy of the column
  much like a hole saw.          in all drilling situations.
  Metal guide rollers are used for the carriage. The metal guide rollers offer more rigidity than that of
  plastic rollers or  plastic sliding plates.
  The noise level achieved with these models is 84db(A) at no load without compromising the cooling
  capacity. A new design plastic cooling fan isused and the opening for the air inlet is enlarged. Design of
  the inside of the motor enclosure direct all available air to the components that must be kept cool.
         Operating            Available   Motor
     Model       Base General Dimension
          Weight               Stroke  Model
           kg  L(mm)  W(mm)  H(mm)  mm
     TS-162  7.1  205  146  803  548  R1521
     TS-403  17.6  275  176  1003  618  R2231
  Model  Operating   Spindle Thread  Spindle Rev     Spindle Rev at  Min to Max   Rated   Voltage Power
                        Rated Load
                   at No Load
       Weight                 Range  Curent
        kg             rpm   dia (mm)  A  V  W
               UNC                    220-
  R1521  6.9  A-Rod  1-1/4”  700/1400  500/1000  30 180  6.5  240  1500
  R2231  13.6  A-Rod  UNC   300/800/  210/580/  25 400  12.2  220-  2800
               1-1/4”  1400 page 31 1000  240
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