Page 19 - MOOSER E-CATALOG140419
P. 19
High Frequency Internal Vibrators
with Integrated Converter
H igh Freq uency I nternal V ibrators with integrated conv erter are directl y
connected to the single phase po er suppl . Therefore the
are eas to use and operable at once. The electronic converter is integrated
within the transmission, el iminating the need for standal one conv erters
commonl used thereb o ering greater versatilit for man applications.
I ts el ectronic comp onents are wel l p rotected against p ower surges,
overheating and vibration o ering greater safet and reliabilit .
sp ecial v ol tage: al so av ail abl e for 115 V / 5 0 H z
type HJU 38 HJU 50 HJU 60 HJU 70
head diameter mm 13, 5 00 12, 000 12, 000 12, 000
head length mm
v ibrations 1/ min 230 230 230 230
centrifugal force .
inp ut v ol tage V 7 7 7 7
nominal current 15 15 15 15
hose l ength m
el ectric cabl e l ength m .
total eight g
The above given technical performance data are non-binding average values and are subject to modifications and amendments.
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