Page 22 - MOOSER E-CATALOG140419
P. 22

Mechanical Frequency Converters for Internal Vibrators

A l l M R Freq uency and V ol tage C onv erters consist of an el ectric motor coup l ed

to a p ermanent magnet generator that reduces the singl e-p hase

-ph       or three-phase -ph               input voltage into        hile

increasing the fre uenc to        . fre uenc converters consist of

a smooth, robust al uminium casing and dep ending on the model they

have a handle or a grip frame ith coupling or heels.

onverters of the series are suitable for continuous dut .

protection class            till
operating temperature -
insul ation cl ass F

    type   input                  output                   output  output                outlets      supply       weight
          voltage                 voltage                  power   current                        electric cable
               V                       V                      kVA       A                                  m

    T1 .                                                                                          .
    T2 .                                                                                          .
     T2 .                                                                                         .
     T3 .
     T3 .
     T3 .

1 with handl e I 2 grip frame I 3 grip frame with wheel s

· maintenance free
· op timum cool ing
· no ov erheating
· easy cl eaning

     The above given technical performance data are non-binding average values and are subject to modifications and amendments.


                                  Lindberghstraße 3                Phone +49 89 804348  
                                  D-82178 Puchheim                 Fax +49 89 804813    
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