Page 50 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
P. 50

50                                                                  VIKRAM  SOLAR   CREATING  CLIMATE  FOR  CHANGE

                             CUSTOMERS & PARTNERS TESTIMONIALS

                             WHAT IS SAID

                             ABOUT US

                             We are glad to partner with                 When serving         Green energy has

                             Vikram Solar through our                    our discerning       always been on
                             Amicus Solar Cooperative, on                trade partners       our radar and we
                                                                                              are happy to have
                                                                         and customers,
                             this portfolio. Vikram Solar has            we depend on         partnered with
                             demonstrated that customer                  partners like        Vikram Solar, a
                             satisfaction is a priority, and we          Vikram Solar to      front runner in
                             look forward to additional                  produce and          this regard. Their
                             partnership opportunities in the            supply reliable      proven record of
                                                                         solar modules
                                                                                              expertise in such
                             future.                                     that are proven      projects has been
                                                                         to meet our exact    reinforced with
                             Greg White                                  requirements.        this plant. Apart

                             Founder at Southern Current, USA                                 from providing
                                                                         Joachim Rupp         energy solutions,

                                                                         Managing Director,   this project will
                                                                         Viessmann            also create
                             With Vikram, we believe that this rate      Photovoltaik GmbH    employment
                             of growth will now increase                                      opportunities for
                             dramatically, based on the higher                                the locals.
                             harvesting density, and the technical       Contribution to Green
                             competence that underscores the             energy shift is another   Pragun Jindal
                             product's design, superior                  step towards upholding   Khaitan
                             performance and the longevity of            India’s values mission   Managing Director,
                                                                         and vision. Given the
                             Vikram modules.                             quality of execution and   Jindal Aluminium
                                                                         after sales customer   Limited
                             Jesse Stubbs                                service accorded by
                             President and CEO, Clean Energy, USA        Vikram Solar, they will
                                                                         be paramount in our
                                                                         decision making for all
                                                                         similar ventures in the

                                                                         Rahul S Surwade
                                                                         Parijat Industries, India
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