Page 53 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
P. 53

AWARDS                                                                                                53

        •  2019   Best Contribution in Solar
                 Energy Award by MNRE at
                 CBIP Awards

        •  2019  Best performing Module of the
                 Year Award by RE Assets

        •  2019  Outstanding Contribution in
                 Renewable Energy EPC Award
                 at 8th EPC World Awards

        •  2019  Rail Analysis Innovation and
                 Excellence Award for
                 Achievement in Solar Energy
                 Utilisation by Rail & Metro

        •  2019  CII Award for Active Customer
                 Engagement in Manufacturing
                 (Large Business Organizations)

        •  2019  Smart Cities: India’s Most
                 Preferred Brands Award

        •  2019   Pride of Bengal Award by The
                 Round Table of India and ICC
                 Young Leader's Forum

        •  2019   Best Employer Brand Award for
                 Kolkata by World HRD Congress
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58