Page 51 - Vikram Solar Corporate Brochure
P. 51

SUMMARY                                                                                               51

        Green energy shift was always a part       Meyer Burger is proud to be
        of our plan to become a part of the        Vikram Solar’s preferred
        national Green Energy Revolution and       strategic technology partner for
        we are glad to have succeeded in
        ushering into the renewable                selected cell and module
        hemisphere. Our intention was to           manufacturing equipment. The
        contribute towards the Solar Mission       MoU has helped Vikram Solar to
        of the country and actively address        expand its position to become a
        the issue of global warming. Vikram        dominant company in the global
        Solar, with its 12 year old history and
        steps undertaken by the company to         PV industry. Besides, it has also
        help other industries contribute to the  strengthened the relationship
        environmental longevity, played a          between the two companies.
        pivotal role in helping us make this
        vision a reality. We look forward to       Hemal Ghelani
        having future associations with them       Vice President & General Manager,
        across different functioning units in      Meyer Burger India Pvt. Ltd.

        Keshav Bhajanka
        Executive Director, Century Ply, India     Vikram Solar Limited has done
                                                   excellent job of completing
                                                   1300 kW solar power plant
                                                   installation & commissioning at

        Vikram Solar enjoys a very good            our M/s Shubhlaxmi Cotton Pvt.
        reputation among the group’s various       Ltd. & SL Nutrition Pvt. Ltd.
        solar companies. We had an                 plants at Nagaur, Rajasthan.
        extremely tight schedule for the
        construction of our 5 MW solar park        Dharmendar Taparia
        in Kent (UK). We identified Vikram         Managing Director, SL Group
        Solar as one of our preferred module
        suppliers. The competitive offer,
        timely delivery and extreme hands-on
        customer service even beyond project
        completion, has given us enough
        confidence to continue working with
        Vikram Solar also outside the UK.

        Eric Rosier
        General Manager,
        Engie Cofely Fabricom
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