Page 15 - JR Resource Guide
P. 15

OCT 17, 1957
 Little Rock 9

 With the situation in Little Rock far    “He was a
 from resolved, Jackie Robinson joins                                                         1962
 members of the NAACP in New York for    freedom rider
 a telephone conversation with Daisy Bates                                                   Voter
 and seven of the nine children who had
 integrated Central High, to provide    before there                                          registration
 encouragement for their efforts.                                                             In Decatur, Georgia
 were freedom                                                                                 and Harlem (New York
                                                                                              City), Jackie Robinson
 rides.”                                                                                      serves as a central fig-
                                                                                              ure in voter registration
                                                                                              rallies and efforts.
                                                  JAN 23, 1962
 The Freedom Rides in the United States           Hall of
 occurred between May 4 and December 10,
 1961. African-American and white civil rights    Fame
 activists took bus trips together through
 FALL 1960  southern states such as Alabama and South   induction
 President Nixon    Carolina to protest segregated bus terminals.   JAN 1, 1962   Robinson becomes
 and Dr. King  Jackie as                          the first African                           JUN 30, 1963
                                                  American inducted
 To campaign for Republican    MAY 1961  a visionary  into the Baseball                       Jazz for a
 presidential candidate Richard                   Hall of Fame in                             Cause
 Nixon, Jackie Robinson takes a    Rachel Robinson   In New York’s African-   Cooperstown,
 leave of absence from Chock full   American weekly    New York.                              Jackie and Rachel
 o’Nuts until the presidential election    earns a master’s   publication, Amsterdam          Robinson host a jazz
 Following the landmark Brown v.   in November. When a hostile judge    degree   News, Robinson starts   concert at their home
 Board of Education decision, a group   in De Kalb County, Georgia    a column called “Home   in Stamford, Connecticut
 of nine African-American high school   sentences Dr. King to four months    Graduating from New York    to raise bail money to
 students enrolled in the segregated   in jail, Robinson appeals to the    University (NYU) with a    Plate,” which focuses    help civil rights activists
 Little Rock Central High School in   Nixon campaign for a direct show    master’s degree in psychiatric   on politics and civil   who are jailed in the South.
 Arkansas. After protests, President   of support for the civil rights leader.    nursing, Rachel Robinson later   rights. In 1962, he is also   The event continues and
 Eisenhower sent federal troops to   Nixon refuses. Robinson responds,   becomes Head of Psychiatric   elected to the NAACP's   supports important causes
 protect the students.  saying, “Nixon doesn’t deserve    Nursing at the Albert Einstein   Board of Directors.  annually until 2001.
 to win.”  College of Medicine.

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