Page 134 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 134
Kinerja Investasi Kabupaten Merauke
Investment Performance of Merauke Regency
Berdasarkan data Kementerian Investasi/BKPM, secara Based on data from the Ministry of Investment / BKPM, the
akumulasi total realisasi investasi Kabupaten Merauke untuk accumulated total investment realization of Merauke Regency
periode 2020-2023 mencapai angka Rp 2.760.366.000. for the 2020-2023 period reached Rp 2,760,366,000. The
Adapun komposisi dari realisasi investasi tersebut terdiri composition of the investment realization consists of 63.9%
dari 63,9% penanaman modal asing (PMA) dan 36,1% foreign investment (PMA) and 36.1% domestic investment
penanaman modal dalam negeri (PMDN). (PMDN).
Untuk PMA, terdapat tiga negara yang mendominasi investasi For PMA, three countries dominate investment in Merauke
di Kabupaten Merauke, yakni Korea Selatan, Singapura dan Regency, namely South Korea, Singapore, and the British
Kepulauan Virgin Inggris. Virgin Islands.
Laporan Kementerian Investasi/BKPM juga menyebutkan The Ministry of Investment / BKPM report also stated that
bahwa capaian realisasi investasi Kabupaten Merauke pada the achievement of investment realization in Merauke
periode 2020-2023 berhasil menyerap hingga 4.599 tenaga Regency in the 2020-2023 period succeeded in absorbing
kerja Indonesia (TKI) di berbagai sektor usaha. Sementara up to 4,599 Indonesian workers (TKI) in various business
untuk kontribusi realisasi investasi berdasarkan sektor, sectors. Meanwhile, the contribution of investment
masih didominasi oleh sektor primer, yakni sektor tanaman realization by sector is still dominated by the primary sector,
pangan, perkebunan, dan peternakan. namely the food crop, plantation, and livestock sectors.
Adapun kontribusi sektor tanaman pangan, perkebunan, The contribution of the food crops, plantations, and livestock
dan peternakan pada realisasi Kabupaten Merauke periode sector to the realization of Merauke Regency for the 2020-
2020-2023 sebesar Rp 1.464.742.900. Diikuti dengan sektor 2023 period was IDR 1,464,742,900. Followed by the food
industri makanan sebesar Rp 687.553.700, industri kayu industry sector at Rp 687,553,700, the wood industry at
sebesar Rp 256.956.800, serta transportasi, gudang dan Rp 256,956,800, and transportation, warehouses, and
telekomunikasi sebesar Rp 163.660.900. telecommunications at Rp 163,660,900.