Page 66 - BUKU MERAUKE 24-06-2024 GABUNG
P. 66
Pada implementasi program Kotaku, dilakukan sosialisasi In the implementation of the Kotaku program, the
terhadap prosedur perizinan, perilaku hidup sehat, socialization of licensing procedures, healthy living behavior,
pengelolaan sampah, bencana kebakaran, serta sosialisasi waste management, and fire disasters, as well as socialization
tentang rencana tata ruang kawasan. Diharapkan was conducted. on the spatial plan of the area. It is expected
pengentasan pemukiman kumuh akan memberikan dampak that slum alleviation will have a positive impact on people's
positif terhadap kehidupan masyarakat, terutama dalam lives, especially in improving health, productivity, and the
meningkatkan kesehatan, produktivitas dan kualitas sumber quality of human resources.
daya manusia.
Penguatan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan
Strengthening Governance
Predikat Ibu Kota Provinsi Papua Selatan yang disematkan The title of the Capital City of South Papua Province pinned
kepada Kabupaten Merauke mendorong Pemerintah to Merauke Regency encourages the Merauke Regency
Kabupaten Merauke untuk meningkatkan kualitas tata kelola Government to improve the quality of governance and public
pemerintahan dan pelayanan publiknya. Hal tersebut demi services. This is to realize good and clean governance, as well
mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih as excellent public servants (service excellence).
(good and clean governance), serta pelayan publik yang
prima (service excellence).
Secara khusus, Bupati Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T juga In particular, Regent Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, M.T. also
menghimbau kepada setiap aparatur sipil negara (ASN) appealed to every state civil apparatus (ASN) within the
di lingkungan Pemerintahan Kabupaten Merauke untuk Merauke Regency Government to improve performance and
meningkatkan kinerja dan pelayanannya kepada masyarakat. service to the community.
“Aparatur sipil negara (ASN) harus kuat, sehingga betul-betul "The state civil apparatus (ASN) must be strong so that
pelayanan kepada rakyat efektif berjalan,” himbau bupati. services to the people are effective," urged the regent.