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Pine-Richland School District - Return to School
                                   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Parents

               worn, hand sanitizer will be available, and non-family members will be placed at least one seat apart from
               others.  Buses will be cleaned after the AM runs and PM runs.

               Q:  How will car riders be managed due to the increase in the number of students that will be
               dropped off and picked up?
               A:  The hybrid model will decrease the number of cars on campus each day.  Dismissal will be managed
               to maintain safety and limit guests in each building.  Please look for a communication to review
               procedures specific to each building.

               Q: Will there still be transportation to and from Beattie? What will the procedures be?
               A: Yes, the district is working with Student Transportation of America and Beattie to provide bus service.
               Additional information will be provided when procedures are finalized.

                Q:  Will there be assigned seats on buses?
               A:  Yes, there will be assigned seats on buses but they will differ between AM and PM to mitigate
               exposure.  In the morning, the first students on the bus will begin by filling the back of the bus first.  In
               the afternoon, students will be seated again according to stop in reverse order.  The students that get off
               the bus first, will be seated in the front of the bus.

                Q:  Will there be hand sanitizer available on the bus?
               A:  Yes. Individual hand sanitizer bottles were purchased for students to attach to his or her backpack.

               Q: Can my child get a bus pass to go home with another student?
               A: Bus passes will not be available at this time.

               Q:  (K-3) What will happen when dismissal goes beyond 4:15 p.m.?
               A: This is not anticipated as the number of students opting for virtual instruction would reduce the
               number of in-person students.  Time will lessen as we get into a routine.  If it would occur, we would
               follow past practices with increased social distancing and safety precautions. Parents should be patient
               during the first few weeks of school.

               Q:  What if a child is late for school or considered tardy?
                A:  If a child is tardy, please refer to the specific building procedure that will be outlined at the beginning
               of the year.  Our goal is to remain contactless so please be cognizant of the process put in place for each
               building.  A sample procedure is described below:

                If a child is late arriving at school, parents will call the main office to alert the school secretary that the
               student has arrived along with the reason.  Parents will pull up to the sign in front of the building.
               Parents should remain outside the building.  The student may walk into the vestibule area, and then staff
               will welcome the student into the building directing him or her to class.

               Q:  How will pick up be handled if a child is ill and dismissed early from the nurse’s office?
               A:  When the nurse recommends that a student needs to be picked up by someone for early dismissal or
               transported via ambulance for a higher level of care, the nurse will first notify the parent via phone.  Once
               the parent/guardian arrives at the school and is parked, they should call into the front office indicating
               they are parked and the make, model, and color of their vehicle.  The front office will notify the nurse that
               the parent is here for pick up.  The child will be escorted out of the building by the nurse or other
               available staff.

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