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Pine-Richland School District - Return to School
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Parents
be available in each classroom. All students should use the hand sanitizer upon entering and leaving class.
Students will be reminded to use hand sanitizer.
Q: Will bottle filling stations be in use?
A: Yes, water bottle filling stations will be able to be utilized but water fountains will be closed.
Q: What if my child forgets his or her lunch or other materials needed for the school day?
A: Each building will have a drop-off area (vestibule or similar location) where items can be left. Please
alert the front office secretaries via phone or email so that the materials can be routed to the correct
student in a timely manner.
Pine-Richland High School will continue to use the already established process of parents leaving items
in the vestibule. Secretaries will ensure that only one person is permitted in the vestibule at a time.
Q: Will Sodexo continue to charge a five dollar processing fee to use a credit card online since we
are reducing touchpoints by eliminating morning envelopes? Checks will be discouraged, but the
fee also discourages parents from paying online.
A: This is not a fee charged by Sodexo or the district. Sodexo/district does not receive any funds from
this charge. This is a service fee to the company (Schoolcafe) that processes the on-line payment for using
a credit card. To avoid the fee, parents can still have a Schoolcafe account but send a check-in with
students. Checks will be collected in a dropbox in the cafeterias at all of the buildings. The district will
continue to use a point of sale system. Students, however, won't be entering the numbers, the cashiers will
enter them. Students will be given an ID card from Sodexo that they will hold up for the cashier to see
with a barcode to scan since it may be difficult for the cashier to hear the students say their numbers.
Q: How will students purchase lunch and what will be on the menu?
A: Menus will be posted on the Pine-Richland School District website under Menus or by going to All buildings will have the option of breakfast and also a hot lunch
or cold option each day. Students will pick up meals in the normal serving line (Signs will be placed on
the floor for social distancing in the serving line.) and then be seated. Selections are limited, but focus on
student favorites. All buildings will have self-serve stations eliminated, and a food service server will
provide meal selection in a grab-n-go disposable container. Each container will have a pre-wrapped
silverware kit and napkin and all condiments will be individual.
Q: How will the schools conduct lockdowns and fire drills?
A: Building principals would communicate should a drill need to occur. In the case of an actual
emergency, the regular emergency procedures will be followed.
Q: How will the district manage physical distancing on school buses?
A: Parents are being asked to drive students to school if possible. In addition, the alternate day
(A/B)(AK/LZ) schedule reduces the number of students who may need to ride the bus on any given day.
Students will be assigned seats from back to front when loading, siblings will sit together, masks will be