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Course Title: English 11 – American Literature Credit Value: 1.0
Course Number: 101131 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): Completion of an English 10 course Open To Grades: 11
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Human Services
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology
Business Management and Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Education and Training Manufacturing
Finance Marketing
Government and Public Administration Science, Technology, Engineering and
Health Science Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Description: This course is a study of American Literature by literary ages and genres. The focus is on textual
understanding, progression of thought through the ages, understanding central ideas and determining what is explicitly
stated, what is implied, and what is left uncertain. Course work requires students to think critically and support their
ideas with specific evidence using a variety of modalities including projects and Socratic discussions.
Course Title: Honors English 11 – Advanced American Credit Value: 1.0
Literature Survey/Analysis
Course Number: 101231 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): Completion of English 10 with a 90% or Open To Grades: 11
higher and teacher recommendation or
completion of Honors English 10 course with
an 80% or higher and teacher recommendation
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Human Services
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology
Business Management and Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Education and Training Manufacturing
Finance Marketing
Government and Public Administration Science, Technology, Engineering and
Health Science Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Description: This course of American literature is organized by literary periods and is designed for the student who has
mastered basic comprehension, analysis, and writing skills. Critical thinking and analysis are emphasized through a
study of historical and societal influence on both the author and the texts produced across multiple genres. Analytical,
evidence-based writing skills are more fully developed through multiple short essay responses and a required research
2021-2022 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents) 34