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Course Title:      Advanced Placement English 11– Language &      Credit Value:            1.0

         Course Number:      101310                                         Term(s) Offered:         Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of Honors  English 10 with an 80%   Open To Grades:          11
                             or higher and teacher recommendation
         Requirement(s):     Summer work is assigned for this course. Students are required to complete the designated
                             Advanced Placement exam at their own expense (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                             Architecture and Construction                  Human Services
                             Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                             Business Management and Administration         Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                             Education and Training                         Manufacturing
                             Finance                                        Marketing
                             Government and Public Administration           Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Health Science                                 Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description: The course is designed as a study of language and composition.  The focus is on rhetorical strategies used
        within literature and the author’s purpose. There is a heavy emphasis on grammar and syntactical structure.  Essays
        follow genre type and are critical in nature, with emphasis placed on depth, development and analytical techniques.
        American literature study accompanies the emphasis of language and composition.

         Course Title:       English 12 - British Literature Survey and     Credit Value:            1.0

         Course Number:      101141                                         Term(s) Offered:         Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of English 11 course                Open To Grades:          12
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                             Architecture and Construction                  Human Services
                             Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                             Business Management and Administration         Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                             Education and Training                         Manufacturing
                             Finance                                        Marketing
                             Government and Public Administration           Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Health Science                                 Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  This is a comprehensive course that revolves around the study of literary ages and the evolution of the
        English language, as well as social and cultural impacts on the literature.  Reading, writing, speaking and listening are
        reinforced through close study of the literature.  Evaluation of student work may include, but is not limited to, essays,
        projects,  home work, and participation.  Course work will require students to analyze and evaluate information through
        course relevant research and related writing assignments.

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