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Course Title:         Language Arts                                Credit Value:          2.0 Grades 9, 10
                                                                                                   1.0 Grades 11, 12
         Course Number:        101102 Grade 9                               Term(s) Offered:       Full Year
                               101104 Grade 10
                               101106 Grade 11
                               101108 Grade 12
         Prerequisite(s):      Teacher recommendation                       Open To Grades:        9, 10, 11, 12
         Career Cluster(s):    Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources      Hospitality and Tourism
                               Architecture and Construction                Human Services
                               Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                               Business Management and Administration       Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                               Education and Training                       Manufacturing
                               Finance                                      Marketing
                               Government and Public Administration         Science, Technology, Engineering and
                               Health Science                               Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description: Language Arts is a full-year, one or two period course that emphasizes the development of reading and
        writing skills through the use of a combined reading and English curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on comprehending
        and analyzing a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres as well as composing organized and well-developed essays. All
        students completing Language Arts Grade 10 may be required to take the Keystone Literature Exam as mandated by the
        Pennsylvania Department of Education.  The Keystone Exam score is not calculated in the student’s final course grade.

         Course Title:        Applied English                               Credit Value:             1.0
         Course Number:       601115 (9)                                    Term(s) Offered:          Full Year
                              601125 (10)
                              601135 (11)
                              601145 (12 and 12+)
         Prerequisite(s):     Placement in Life Skills Support (LSS) or Autistic Support (AS) classroom and previously
                              qualified for Pennsylvania Alternative Standards Assessment (PASA)

         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                              Architecture and Construction                 Human Services
                              Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                              Business Management and Administration        Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                              Education and Training                        Manufacturing
                              Finance                                       Marketing
                              Government and Public Administration          Science, Technology, Engineering and
                              Health Science                                Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  Applied English is a course for students whose IEP reflects the use of alternate standards.  A
        functional curriculum that is aligned with the alternate standards is utilized in this course.  The class is designed for
        students enrolled in the Life Skills Support (LSS) and Autistic Support (AS) programs.

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