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Course Title:      Geometry                                        Credit Value:              1.0
         Course             102210                                          Term(s) Offered:           Full
         Number:                                                                                       Year
         Prerequisite(s):   Completion of Algebra 1 with 70% or Higher      Open to Grades:            9, 10
         Career             Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources         Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Architecture and Construction                   Human Services
                            Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                            Business Management and Administration          Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                            Education and Training                          Manufacturing
                            Finance                                         Marketing
                            Government and Public Administration            Science, Technology, Engineering and
                            Health Science                                  Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:   Geometry topics are studied using both an inductive and a deductive approach.   Students discover
        relationships through experimentation and then verify their discoveries by deductive proofs.  Real world applications
        and algebraic connections are emphasized.  Topics include:  definitions, constructions, parallel line properties, triangle
        and polygon properties, circles, transformations, tessellations, symmetry, area, surface area, volume, the Pythagorean
        Theorem, similarity, basic trigonometry, and basic logic.

         Course Title:      Geometry with Lab                               Credit Value:              1.0

         Course             102211                                          Term(s) Offered:           Full
         Number:                                                                                       Year
         Prerequisite(s):   Completion of Algebra 1 or teacher              Open to Grades:            9, 10
         Note(s):           Class meets 5 days per week and then meets on either A or B days for additional class time
                            each week.
         Career             Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources         Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Architecture and Construction                   Human Services
                            Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                            Business Management and Administration          Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                            Education and Training                          Manufacturing
                            Finance                                         Marketing
                            Government and Public Administration            Science, Technology, Engineering and
                            Health Science                                  Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:   Geometry topics are studied using both an inductive and a deductive approach.   Students discover
        relationships through experimentation and then verify their discoveries by deductive proofs.  Real world applications
        and algebraic connections are emphasized.  Topics include:  definitions, constructions, parallel line properties, triangle
        and polygon properties, circles, transformations, tessellations, symmetry, area, surface area, volume, the Pythagorean
        Theorem, similarity, basic trigonometry, and basic logic. Students enrolled in the lab section experience a lower student-
        to-teacher ratio and use the extra  time to extend classroom concepts,  move at a flexible pace, clarify directions on
        homework, and reinforce strategies and procedures.

          2021-2022 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents)                                                                        46
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