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Course Title:       Advanced Placement Calculus AB                 Credit Value:              1.0
         Course Number:      102520                                         Term(s) Offered:           Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of Honors Pre-Calculus with 80%     Open to Grades:            11, 12
                             or higher or Pre-Calculus with 90% or higher or
                             teacher recommendation.
         Requirement(s):     Students are required to take the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own expense
                             (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Career Cluster(s):   Finance                                       Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Information Technology                         Mathematics
        Description: Calculus is the study of how things change.  This course looks at ways to measure tiny (infinitesimal)
        changes and use that information to describe large changes in relationships between variables.  Calculus is structured
        around three big ideas: limits, derivatives, and integrals.  AP Calculus students apply their knowledge of calculus to
        polynomial, power, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.  This course emphasizes a  multi-
        representational approach with concepts, results, and problems being expressed and connected graphically, numerically,
        analytically, and verbally.  AP Calculus is equivalent to 1.5 semesters of college calculus.  It is expected that students who
        enroll have a strong mastery of material in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytical geometry, and  elementary
        functions (equivalent to four years of high school mathematics) and can handle the rigor of a college-level mathematics
        course with the intention of placing out of a comparable college calculus course.

         Course Title:       Advanced Placement Calculus BC                 Credit Value:              1.0

         Course Number:      102530                                         Term(s) Offered:           Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of Honors Pre-Calculus with an      Open to Grades:            11, 12
                             90% or higher or teacher recommendation
         Requirement(s):     Students are required to take the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own
                             expense (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Notes:              Students who have completed AP Calculus AB are only eligible for 0.5 credit in AP Calculus
                             BC due to the two-thirds overlap of the course material
         Career Cluster(s):   Finance                                       Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Information Technology                         Mathematics
        Description:  Calculus is the mathematical study of change. We look at ways to measure tiny—infinitesimal—changes
        and use that information to describe large changes in relationships between variables.  Calculus is structured around
        three big ideas: limits, derivatives, and integrals; AP Calculus BC students also study series.  AP Calculus students apply
        their knowledge of calculus to polynomial, power, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; BC students
        also apply calculus to vector, polar and parametric functions.  Both AP Calculus AB and BC students emphasize a multi-
        representational approach, with concepts, results, and problems being expressed and connected graphically, numerically,
        analytically, and verbally.  While AP Calculus AB  replaces 1.5 semesters of  college calculus, BC replaces two full
        semesters.  Because the pace is brisk, AP Calculus BC students are expected to have a strong mastery of material in
        algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytical geometry, and elementary functions (equivalent to four years in high school
        mathematics) and can handle the rigor of a college-level mathematics course with the intention of placing out of
        comparable college calculus courses.

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