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Course Title: Earth & The Environment Credit Value: 1.0
Course Number: 103110 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): None Open to Grades: 9, 10
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Human Services
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology
Business Management and Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Education and Training Manufacturing
Finance Marketing
Government and Public Administration Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Health Science Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Description: This course is designed to provide the student with a better understanding of the Earth, its environment,
and place in the universe. Emphasis is placed on the physical laws of nature and the effects that they have on our
environment. The areas of geology, meteorology and the environment are also viewed with their relations to the other
sciences. A variety of laboratory investigations are conducted to reinforce the concepts studied and to introduce the
student to basic laboratory procedures. Throughout the year emphasis is placed on the improvement of reading and
writing skills within a science framework. This will help prepare students to take the Biology Keystone Exam in their
sophomore year.
Course Title: Environmental Science Credit Value: 1.0
Course Number: 103140 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): None Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Human Services
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology
Business Management and Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Education and Training Manufacturing
Finance Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Government and Public Administration Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Health Science
Description: This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive background in scientific principles and
concepts in the area of Environmental Science. This course is focused on providing students with a working knowledge
of current environmental problems, the interactions of organisms with their environments, and Pennsylvania’s
Environmental and Ecology Academic Standards. Further concentration will be placed on understanding the physical,
biological, and chemical interrelationships within the environment and lab activities that promote problem solving
through group activity and technology.
Above (File Photo): Students analyze water samples in AP Environmental
2021-2022 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents) 56