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Course Title:        Honors Human                                 Credit Value:             1.0
                              Anatomy &

         Course Number:       103252                                       Term(s) Offered:          Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):     Completion of or concurrent enrollment in    Open to Grades:           10, 11, 12
                              Academic Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
                              and completion of Honors Biology with an
                              80% or higher or completion of Academic
                              Biology with a 90% or higher and teacher
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources      Human Services
                              Architecture and Construction                Information Technology
                              Education and Training                       Manufacturing
                              Health Science                               Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
        Description:  Honors human Anatomy & Physiology is designed for college-bound students who plan to enter careers
        that require extensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.  The course focuses on the structure and function
        of the  major body systems with emphasis on the interrelationships between these systems.  Lab investigations will
        supplement class lectures and will include dissections and computer probeware-based activities.  Independent research
        projects and scientific journal readings will enable in-depth study of course topics and allow for exploration of new
        medical research and technologies.  This course is directed towards students with a serious interest in the medical field
        and requires significant study time outside of class for successful completion.  Emphasis is placed on the development of
        critical thinking skills that will enhance the ability to correlate structure and function and better understand how the
        human body maintains homeostasis.

         Course Title:        Chemistry with Lab                            Credit Value:            1.0
         Course Number:       103301                                        Term(s) Offered:         Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):     Completion of a Biology course                Open to Grades:          10, 11, 12
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                              Architecture and Construction                 Human Services
                              Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                              Business Management and Administration        Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                              Education and Training                        Manufacturing
                              Finance                                       Marketing
                              Government and Public Administration          Science, Technology, Engineering and
                              Health Science                                Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  This course is designed to provide an introduction to the basic principles of inorganic chemistry. Reading,
        writing, and mathematical skills will be learned within a science framework. Laboratory experiments will be performed
        to provide authentic examples of concepts. Topics of Chemistry are taught at a slower pace and depth tailored to student
        need. The fundamental concepts of matter  and energy, atomic theory, bonding, nomenclature, the  mole, chemical
        reactions, stoichiometry, solutions, acids and bases and gas laws will be studied.  All required math skills will be taught
        and reviewed in class.

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