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Course Title:        Advanced Placement Chemistry with Lab          Credit Value:           1.0
         Course Number:       103330                                         Term(s) Offered:        Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):     Completion of Honors Chemistry with a 90%      Open to Grades:         11, 12
                              or higher or teacher recommendation
         Requirement(s):      Summer work for this course: Students are strongly recommended to complete a review of
                              first year chemistry concepts which include nomenclature, writing net-ionic equations, and
                              stoichiometry.  Materials and resources for this review are provided.
                              Students are required to complete the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own
                              expense (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources        Human Services
                              Architecture and Construction                  Information Technology
                              Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Manufacturing
                              Health Science                                 Science, Technology, Engineering and
        Description:  This course is designed to provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory
        college course in chemistry and includes those topics covered in a typical college-level chemistry course.  AP Chemistry
        differs significantly from Honors Chemistry with respect to the range and depth of topics covered, the emphasis on
        chemical calculations and the mathematical formulation of principles, the nature and variety of laboratory work done by
        students, and the time and effort required of students.  Students are prepared to meet the challenge of the AP Chemistry
        exam offered in early May.   Every incoming student is expected to come to AP Chemistry with a thorough understanding
        of the concepts taught in first year chemistry.  A recommended review packet is made available in the spring and should
        be completed before beginning the AP Chemistry course in the fall.  Students that can successfully complete this packet
        will have the prerequisite understanding required for this course.

         Course Title:         Organic Chemistry                             Credit Value:           1.0

         Course Number:       103350                                         Term(s) Offered:        Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):     Completion of Academic Chemistry with a        Open to Grades:         11, 12
                              90% or higher, or completion of Honors
                              Chemistry with 80% or higher
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources        Information Technology
                              Architecture and Construction                  Manufacturing
                              Health Science                                 Science, Technology, Engineering and
                              Human Services                                 Mathematics
        Description:  This is a demanding lecture-oriented course that deals with the chemistry of carbon compounds with a
        strong focus on nomenclature and structural formulas. Organic Chemistry  has minimal math,  but requires a lot  of
        practice, studying and long-term memorization. It has a story line - everything builds on what came before. This course
        is primarily for those students intending to pursue a career in chemistry,  biology, medicine, pharmacy, or physical
        therapy. Organic Chemistry is one of the most challenging courses for pre-professional majors in college and students
        that have the opportunity to take an introductory course in high school will learn the fundamentals to be successful in a
        typical college-level organic course. Laboratory investigations will be used to supplement course topics.

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