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Course Title:       Statistics                                     Credit Value:              1.0
         Course Number:      102600                                         Term(s) Offered:           Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of Algebra 2                        Open To Grades:            11, 12
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                             Architecture and Construction                  Human Services
                             Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                             Business Management and Administration         Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                             Education and Training                         Manufacturing
                             Finance                                        Marketing
                             Government and Public Administration           Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Health Science                                 Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  In this course, students will learn about methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include
        data collection and description, data production, correlation and regression (descriptive statistics), probability and
        inference (inferential statistics).  The course focuses on data and statistical reasoning over theory and recipes to allow
        students to develop the skills for working with data.  The Texas Instruments 83/84-Plus graphing calculator is used
        extensively for computation, graphing, and simulation.  Students are expected to read through examples and case studies
        while completing their daily classroom assignments. Students will design experiments, collect and analyze data, and
        generate statistically supported solutions.

         Course Title:       Advanced Placement Statistics                  Credit Value:              1.0

         Course Number:      102610                                         Term(s) Offered:           Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of Pre-Calculus with a 90% or       Open to Grades:            11, 12
                             higher or completion of Honors Pre-Calculus
                             with an 80% or higher
                             or teacher recommendation
         Requirement(s):     Students are required to take the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own expense
                             (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources       Hospitality and Tourism
                             Architecture and Construction                  Human Services
                             Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                             Business Management and Administration         Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                             Education and Training                         Manufacturing
                             Finance                                        Marketing
                             Government and Public Administration           Science, Technology, Engineering and
                             Health Science                                 Mathematics
                                                                            Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  This course teaches the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics.  Topics include data collection and
        description, data production, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, probability to build a foundation for
        inference, and inference.  The course focuses on data and statistical reasoning over theory and recipes.   It aims to give
        students the main ideas of statistics with useful skills for working with data.  The TI 83/84/89 graphing calculator is used
        extensively for computation, graphing, and simulation.  The course curriculum is designed to meet the requirements for
        AP Statistics established by the College Board.  Students are expected to read through examples and case studies while
        completing their daily classroom assignments.  Several “special problems” and projects are assigned throughout the year
        that require more in depth analysis, and a final project is assigned that requires the generation of data as well as the
        analysis with statistically well-supported conclusions.  The pace of the course is set to have students prepared for the AP
        exam in early May of each year.  Students can also earn college credits for this course through the College in High School
        Program of the University of Pittsburgh.

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