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GUIDANCE SERVICES Physical examinations (kindergarten or first
The Mission of the Pine-Richland Guidance and grade, sixth and eleventh grades, and any
Counseling program is to provide a comprehensive student entering school in Pennsylvania for
developmental counseling program addressing the the first time).
academic, career and personal/social growth of all
students. In partnership with other educators, parents Dental examinations (kindergarten or first
or guardians and the community, school counselors grade, third and seventh grades, and any child
advocate to maximize student potential, academic entering school for the first time in
achievement and preparedness for success in a global Pennsylvania).
society. Students or parents are welcome and
encouraged to contact their Guidance Counselor with If you are unable to schedule these exams with your
concerns at any time. Please call 724-625-3111, own health care provider, please contact the School
Jennifer Mullaugh (ext. 2229) is the Counselor for Nurse to arrange for a free exam at school.
students with last names A-K, and the counselor for
students with last names L-Z is to be determined for Health Screening
2018-19. Policy 209 Health Examinations/Screenings
The Pennsylvania School Health screening program
HALL PASSES (ASSIGNMENT BOOKS) includes the following:
Students must have their teacher’s permission before
they can leave any classroom for any reason. Students Each student is weighed and measured every
are not to be in the halls during a class period unless year from kindergarten through twelfth
they have signed out of their classroom and they have grade. In addition, a Body Mass Index (BMI)
their assignment book initialed by an authorized staff for age percentile is calculated on all
member. Teachers have been requested to limit students.
student access to the hallwaysduring instructional
periods. Each student has a near and far vision test
every year.
The Pine-Richland Health Services staff act as a Each student has a hearing test in
liaison between the family, school, and community in kindergarten through third grade and in
an effort to improve the health status of children and seventh and eleventh grades.
have them achieve the maximum benefit from their
educational experience. Parents/Guardians have the Each student is screened for Scoliosis
primary responsibility for the welfare of their children. (curvature of the spine) in sixth and seventh
The School Nurses support learning by assessing
illness and injury, administering medication, Health Screening results are communicated
providing nursing procedures, supporting students in an annual health screening letter.
with chronic health problems, providing mandated Parents/Guardians are notified when a
health screenings, monitoring immunizations, and screening result indicates a potential area of
being a resource for families on available community concern and follow-up with a health care
health care programs. specialist may be indicated.
For questions regarding health service information, Illness
please contact your School Nurse. Please consider the following guidelines when making
the decision to send your child to school:
Policy 209.1 Reporting of Accidents/Injuries Fever of 100 degrees or higher: children
Every accident in the school building, on school should be fever free (<100o) for 24 hours
grounds, at practice sessions, or at any event without fever-reducing medication.
sponsored by the school must be reported immediately
to the person in charge and to the school office. Uncontrollable coughing.
Vomiting/Diarrhea: children should be free
Health Examinations
Policy 209 Health Examinations/Screenings of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to
The following examinations are mandated by the state school.
of Pennsylvania and may be performed by your child’s Inability to sleep most of the night because
personal physician or dentist: they don’t feel well.
The Pine-Richland School District follows the
Allegheny County Health Department “Guide to
Infectious Diseases for Schools” to determine when a
child should return to school after an infectious illness.
Specific information on strep throat, pink eye, lice,