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chicken pox, and other common infectious illness in            required immunizations or risk exclusion. Your
schools are outlined in the following link:                    school nurse can provide you with a blank medical
                                                               plan card.
              Epinephrine Administration
The Pennsylvania Public School Code, Section                   If a child does not have all the doses listed above,
1414.2(g) allows parents/guardians to request an               needs additional doses, and the next dose is not
exemption to the administration of an epinephrine              medically appropriate, the child must provide a
auto-injector for their student. In order to request this      medical plan within the first five days of school for
exemption, contact the school nurse to make an                 obtaining the required immunizations or risk
appointment to discuss this decision, review and sign          exclusion.
the opt-out form.

Parents/guardians wishing to choose this option                The medical plan must be followed or risk exclusion.
should meet with the school nurse to discuss their
decision and then review and sign the opt-out form in          Children in 7th grade need the following
the presence of the school nurse.                              ADDITIONAL immunizations for entry:

                       Immunizations                                 1 dose meningococcal conjugate vaccine
Policy 203 Immunizations and Communicable                                (MCV)
In accordance with the Allegheny County Health                       1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular
Department and the Pennsylvania Department of                            pertussis (Tdap), if five years have elapsed
Health, the following immunizations are required for                     since last tetanus immunization
school enrollment/attendance:
                                                               Children in 12th grade need the following
For attendance, children in ALL grades (K-12) need             ADDITIONAL immunization for entry:
the following vaccines on the first day of school,
unless the child has a medical or                                    1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine
religious/philosophical exemption, a child must have                     (MCV)
had at least one dose of the following vaccinations or
risk exclusion.                                                      If one dose was given at 16 years of age or
                                                                         older, that shall count as the 12th grade dose.
      4 doses of tetanus* (1 dose on or after 4th                       On the first day of 12th grade, unless the child
          birthday)                                                      has a medical or religious/philosophical
                                                                         exemption, a child must have had the vaccine
      4 doses of diphtheria*(1 dose on or after 4th                     or risk exclusion.
                                                               These requirements allow for the following
      4 doses of polio*** (1 dose on or after the 4th         exemptions: medical reason, religious belief, or
          birthday)                                            philosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction.
                                                               Even if your child is exempt from immunizations, he
      2 doses of measles**                                    or she may be excluded from school during an
      2 doses of mumps**                                      outbreak of vaccine preventable disease.
      1 dose of rubella (German measles)**
      3 doses of hepatitis B                                  Information regarding immunizations can be received
      2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence           from the Allegheny County Health Department by
                                                               calling 412-578-8062.
          of immunity
     *Usually given as DTP or DTap, or if medically            The law which regulates the administration of
     advisable, DT or Td                                       medication in the school is the same law that applies
     **Usually given as MMR                                    to hospitals and other institutions. The school cannot
     ***A fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose       dispense or allow any child to take any medication
     was administered age 4 years or older and at least        without written permission from a physician and
     6 months after the previous dose.                         parent. This includes both prescription and over the
                                                               counter medications (including but not limited to
If a child does not have all the doses listed above,           acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and cough drops). If you
needs additional doses, and the next dose is medically         anticipate or find that your child must take medication
appropriate, the child must receive that dose within the       during school hours, please obtain a copy of the
first five days of school or risk exclusion. If the next       medication policy and a permission form on our
dose is not the final dose of the series, the child must       website.
provide a medical plan card signed by his/her doctor
within the first five days of school for obtaining the

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