Page 12 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 12

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
Strategic Leadership Challenge 3 28th January 2019
Sponsors: Professor Sharon Huttly and and Sarah Randall-Paley
Integrated Thinking and and Reporting
1 1 1 Introduction
1 1 1 1 1 1 Integrated Thinking and Reporting
has been slowly progressing in in in in in in the sector (via British Universities Finance Directors’ Group and more recently Advance HE) but is is gaining additional traction now in in in in in light of ‘value/value for money’ and related discussions in in in in the HE context 1 1 1 2 At an an event in in September Advance HE HE launched a a a a a a report1 based on on a a a a a a a pilot exercise of 10 institutions funded by OfS to review existing practice The report report can be found at at the following link (www lfhe ac ac uk/en/ research-resources/publications-hub/index cfm/LTV- 01) The basic proposition is that that the the statutory financial and other annual reporting that that we do do as as individual institutions does not make visible enough the the value that that that our Universities bring in in in a a a a a a a a a way that that that is is is accessible
to key audiences The suggestion is is that that that we could be more more forward looking and and more more impactful in in in in terms of explaining the the the resources that that we use and and the the the value that that is created from them for for example ‘through addressing global challenges and and and workforce and and and leadership skill needs and and and providing opportunities for for individuals to fulfil their potential’ 1 3 Those who have have taken steps in in in this direction so far have have noted that it is is the the process of of ‘integrated thinking’ which has has had to support the the the production of of a a a a a a a a a a a a final ‘integrated report’ that has has been the the the most valuable
to to senior teams and their organisations The clear message is is is is that that this is is is is a a a a a a a a a a a topic that that extends well beyond Finance alone 1Let’s talk value: How Universities create value for students staff and society’: Professor Carol A A Adams
As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities: https://portal lancaster ac uk/staffintranet#/home

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