Page 13 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 13

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
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2 2 2 2 1 UMAG has agreed to to to a a a a a a a a a a a a project to to to take forward this agenda for for Lancaster – in its own right and and to to to help support other activities such as as as development development of of of the the new University strategy strategy review and and refresh of of of our our KPIs development development of of of our our strategy strategy around Engagement The Bonington Leadership challenge is is to to work with members of of UMAG (including Sarah Randall-Paley
Sharon Huttly Simon Simon Guy Simon Simon Jennings) in in in in in in in in support of of this project This will include undertaking research to to i) review our current reporting against Integrated Integrated Reporting
Council standards and and and and some exemplars to to to identify gaps/differences (see below) and and and and and ii) to to to frame and and and and and inform how Integrated Integrated Integrated Thinking and and and Integrated Integrated Reporting
can be be be delivered at at at Lancaster over a a a a a a a a a a a a a a medium - - to to to to long- term time frame We will be be be looking to to to to use the the output to to to to take first steps for for the the 2018/19 reporting cycle (which has to to to to be be be be finalised ready for for Committee approvals in in in October/November 2019) Background information and reading
The following are sources of additional information information background and and some live examples to illustrate what we might be aiming at at at at at at as an an output i) There is is an an an Integrated Reporting
Council http://integratedreporting org This champions improvements to to corporate reporting reporting globally and has input to to the the Advance HE project Their website gives a a a a a a a a a a a a a a range of examples (mostly corporate) where they have recognised good practice internationally ii) Advance HE materials can be found from the the following link www lfhe ac ac uk/en/ research-resources/resource-hub/integrated-thinking--reporting/information- and-resources cfm iii) Some UK examples of of of Integrated Reporting:
i) i) the Duchy Duchy of of of Cornwall Cornwall https://duchyofcornwall org/assets/pdf/ DuchyOfCornwallIAR2018 pdf ii) Newcastle University: www www ncl ncl ac ac uk/media/wwwnclacuk/ freedomofinformation/files/Integrated%20Annual%20Report%2016-17 pdf iii) Edinburgh University: www ed ed ed ac ac uk/files/atoms/files/uoe_annual_report_and_ accounts_2016-17_0 pdf As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities: https://portal lancaster ac uk/staffintranet#/home

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