Page 28 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 28

through these three points, and I'm going

             to  add  three  more  sub  points  in  just  a

             moment.  But in verses 1, 2, and 3 we come

             to the new heavens, new Jerusalem, the new

             earth, but notice as we come to verses 3 and

             4, it says, “And I heard a great voice out of

             heaven  saying,  Behold,  the  tabernacle  of

             God is with  men,  and  he  will  dwell  with

             them, and they shall be his people, and God

             himself  shall  be  with  them, and  be their

             God.”  Now, notice carefully verse 4.  This is

             in eternity, and verse 4 says, “And God shall

             wipe away all tears from their eyes…” That

             says that there are tears now, and it says,

             “…and there shall be no more death” — In

             other words, that means that there is death

             now — “neither sorrow, nor crying, neither

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