Page 23 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 23

are  making  a  lot  of  money  off  of  some

             things and they're lying about some things.

                    I want you to understand that the whole

             creation groaneth and travaileth together in

             pain  until  now.  The  whole  creation,

             including our bodies, is under a curse and is

             headed  to  the  grave.  You  see,  creation

             didn't sin; man sinned, but creation is under

             the curse.  Think about the volcanoes, two

             of  them  right  now,  one  of  them  killing

             people.  Tsunamis,  hurricanes,  earthquakes

             —  This  world  is  under  a  curse,  and  it's

             waiting  to  be  redeemed  just  as  we're

             waiting to be redeemed.  Animals didn't sin,

             but  do  you  know  what  happens  with

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