Page 21 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 21
Notice in verse 12 of Romans chapter 5,
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into
the world, and” — what’s the next word? —
“death by sin; and so death passed upon all
men, for that all have sinned.” We're talking
about original sin right here. You and I are
a product of what took place in the Garden.
Because of the sin of our federal head
Adam, we find that all will die. There was no
death before the fall. There is no such thing
as a gap theory. Death came as a result of
Adam's sin. The sentence of death is upon
every one of us here today. And, by the way,
verses 13 and 14 clearly tell us that we're
subject to death because of Adam's sin and
not just because of our personal sin.