Page 20 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 20

in  the  day  that  thou  eatest  thereof  thou

             shalt  surely  die.” And  then  in  Genesis  3,

             verses 16 and 17, after Adam and Eve had

             eaten the forbidden fruit in the Garden, God

             told the woman that in sorrow you’re going

             to bear children, and He also said that the

             ground is cursed and in sorrow shalt thou

             eat of it.  He said there's going to be thorns

             and thistles, and in the  sweat  of thy face,

             thou shalt eat bread.  What we eat today is

             from the ground, and that ground is cursed.

             Somebody  has  said,  "Well,  you  know,  the

             soil  has  been  depleted."  It  began  being

             depleted  in  Genesis  chapter  3.    And  God

             also said from dust we came and unto dust

             we will return.  In other words, everybody

             dies, Hebrews 9, verse 27.

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