Page 17 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 17

place there.  Man is a fallen creature living

             in a fallen world because of one reason, and

             that reason is sin, and don't ever forget that.

             Now, we're not even talking about personal

             sins  yet.    We'll  talk  about  that  a  little  bit

             later.  But sin is the cause of the curse and

             sickness and death — Nothing else.

                    Why do we get sick or why do we die?

             I've asked that question to many people for

             years.  If  you  believe  in  evolution,  then

             things  ought  to  be  improving,  but  things

             are not improving.  Now, there are certain

             cultures and countries where you can live a

             little  bit  longer  in  some  cases  because  of

             sanitary laws and medical technology, but

             the bottom line is nothing is improving.  As

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