Page 22 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 22

In Genesis 3, verses 17 and 18, God is the

             one who brought the curse upon the earth,

             not  Satan,  and  along  with  this  curse  is

             sickness and death.  Diets don't cure that.

             I'm for a good diet, but there are too many

             people today saying that their diet will cure

             everything,  and  it  does  not  because  even

             those people end up one day getting sick

             and  dying.    And  I  could  give  you  some

             names, but I'm going to avoid doing that.

             I've even bought some of their products in

             the past — and they’re very expensive, by

             the way.  But please understand.  I'm not

             trying  to  kick  against  diets  and  lifestyle.

             Those things can be very important in our

             lives, but in our world today, a lot of people

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