Page 19 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 19

youngest one that died was 47; the oldest

             one that died was 89, and of all those 15, do

             you know what the age of death averaged

             out to be?  It averaged out to be 66 years of

             age.    That's  getting  real  close  to  70,  and

             that's what God says in Psalm chapter 90.

             We can't get away from the Word of God,

             can we?  God said this is the way it's going

             to be.

                    Again, we ask this question, “Why do we

             get sick?” or “Why do we die?” Because God

             said it. In the original creation, Genesis 1:31

             says  everything  was  very  good;  in  other

             words, it was perfect.  But in Genesis 2:17

             God said, “But of the tree of the knowledge

             of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for

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