Page 32 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 32

in chapter 2, verse 3.  I want to read several

             verses in this chapter. We're not even going

             to deal with chapter 1.  We're just going to

             talk about Job’s health, his body.  And we

             find that Satan smote Job with boils from

             the  sole  of  his  foot  to  his  crown.  This  is

             something  that  Satan  brought  upon  Job.

             And let me say this before I read, and I'm

             going  to  say  this  a  little  bit  later.                                          I  said

             earlier that we need to be very careful when

             things come into people's lives and we start

             saying, "I wonder why that happened,” and

             we  start  evaluating  them.  And  I'm  not

             saying  this  just  in  the  last  thirteen  or

             fourteen years.  I've said this for the last 40

             years and for the last 35 and a half years

             that  I've been preaching.  We're going  to

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