Page 8 - Only a Sinner Saved by Grace???
P. 8

Only A Sinner Saved By Grace???

               to establish us as children of God (Rom. 8:9)

               and also to free us from sin’s  bondage  and

               control  in  our  lives so  that we  can become

               servants  of  righteousness—because  God’s

               purpose for saving our soul is not only to

               save us from Hell one day, but also to be

               glorified through us and to have fellowship

               with us in this lifetime—and it’s impossible

               for a person who lives a worldly and ungodly

               life to have fellowship with a holy God.  First

               John  1:6  says, “If  we  say  that  we  have

               fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we

               lie, and do not the truth.”

               “SAINTS” NOT “SINNERS”

               In the Bible, Christians are never referred to

               as “sinners”; they are referred to as “saints.”

               Webster’s  1828  dictionary  (which  bases  its

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